Swim the Fly! This one is full of fart and vomit jokes and is a genuinely hilarious read. Plus, I just love this kid's motivations for everything. He starts out swimming the fly to impress a girl and by the end... he has no idea why he's doing it. I love his posse of weirdo friends, too. Good stuff all around.
Now I'm reading another gem of a book! Carter Finally Gets it. More fart and vomit jokes and a hilarious scene with ass-less jeans while running from the cops. There is also swimming. Everything is funnier in a Speedo. Especially when you're a 14 year old boy and your "mainframe" has short-circuited from staring at butts and boobs. :)
In my head I've been writing this same post, though I've been waiting until I read Swim the Fly. Carter Finally Gets It was one of my favorite reads from the last year--crude without being disgusting, and I'm surprised it doesn't go out more--I think I'll have to do more hand-selling.
I'd pair it with Sleeping Freshmen Never Lie; I can see a bunch of parallels between those two.
Definitely. Also maybe the Schwa was Here... though just because the perspective is so similar. Is it wrong that I find dorky, clueless 15 year old boys hilarious?!?!
If it is wrong, then at least we're wrong together!
Hehe, you are most welcome. There were two books that I am STILL angry about not making last years BBYA list and Swim the Fly is one of them.
I would have let you borrow my copy of Beat the Band (the companion- not sequel Brandy!), but I gave it to one of my teen boys who loved STF as much as I did.
I have not read Carter- I've got its sequel around here somewhere though. I'll have to save it for the days when BFYA mania is over.
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